6-year-old Jayden Watts is a sweet little girl with many people around her who love her to pieces. She is a twin to her sister Mia; Mia is neurotypical and Jayden is diagnosed with autism spectrum disorder, a disorder that affects a person’s perception of and abilities with social interaction and communication. Jayden’s parents, Brian and Erica, say how wonderful their girls are with one another. They are best of friends.
There are many reasons that Jayden is extraordinary, but what her family notices the most is her ability to get back up again. In situations that are hard for Jayden, she often displays meltdowns. However, even though the moment is hard for her, she has the ability to conquer her tears and push ahead, whether it be a crowded room or trying something for the first time. Jayden’s mom tells Jayden’s sister Mia that Jayden is stronger than mommy because she will try things when other people would just give up when uncomfortable situations come before them. Jayden is a beautiful, sweet, strong, loving girl who you can’t help but be drawn towards. Her family is proud of her and her ability to conquer things that others may walk away from.